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Bob Woodward:The Unlovable Press Man

March 3, 2013

Last week’s test included a question for us to explain why an unloveable press is essential to our democracy. It was referring to an article by Schudson in the Graber textbook. Dr. Corrado had, in interpreting the meaning of the article, explained that the press is usually spoonfed news by the newsmakers and the only times that the press get to break out of this mode is in a crisis or when a topic that is big in the news lingers and the press has to find different angles to it so it doesn’t get too stale. Well, this happened this week. The sequester was bombarding the news airwanves, as it should have, but it was getting tiresome. Enter Bob Woodward, a news veteran of 40 years and one of the original reporters who broke the Watergate scandal. He has always been a well respected man in his business, so much so that he essentially has unfettered access to most of the presidents–both past and present. At least until this week. In the monotony of spoonfed sequester news handed out by the Whitehouse and Congress, Woodward broke out and did some news essential to our democracy. He wrote an editorial calling out the president for his sequester rhetoric. He reminded the president and the American people that Obama was the one who came up with this idea to begin with in 2011. For his democratic free press move, Woodward got a nasty discussion with a White House big whig who told Woodward he would “regret” writing the editorial. Now, the guy sent an apology email later and denied that it was any kind of threat, but the damage was done. Woodward became the hero of the day to many of his fellow press veterans. The following is a link to McLaughlin Group that discusses Bob Woodward’s exposition of the president’s doubletalk. I think this was a perfect example of what Schudson and Dr. Corrado was talking about. Now, I wonder whether Woodward will have such unfettered access to this president. Did he cross the the line or does his professional clout get him over this hurdle. Woodward is not loved right now by President Obama, but I think what he said in his editorial was absolutely necessary for our democracy! A free press makes our elected officials eat their words sometimes, leaving a bitter taste in their mouths.

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